WhoisFreaks stands as a comprehensive repository of domain WHOIS data. Whether you’re a seasoned investigator or a curious researcher, this platform provides meticulously curated information about domain names, registrars, countries, and TLDs.
Key Features:
- Whois Lookup API: Obtain detailed WHOIS records for any domain. Access essential details such as owner information, email addresses, creation dates, and registrar locations. Choose between JSON or XML formats.
- Whois History API: Dive into a vast collection of current and historical WHOIS domain records. Stay informed with daily updates on domain registrations.
- Reverse Whois API: Conduct broad searches based on domain keywords, owner names, emails, or company details. Uncover domains associated with specific entities.
- Newly Registered Domains API: Download WHOIS files for newly registered domains. Gain insights into ownership details.
- Expiring Domains API: Access WHOIS files for expiring and expired domains. Monitor domain ownership changes.
- Dropped/Deleted Domains API: Retrieve WHOIS files for recently dropped or deleted domains. Track domain ownership transitions.
- WHOIS Domains Database: With over 4.5 million domains registered monthly, our database provides comprehensive and normalized domain information. Explore owner names, registrant details, organization affiliations, and more.
In summary, WhoisFreaks offers powerful APIs, historical data, and a wealth of information to enhance your domain-related endeavors.